Sun & Weekend

Monday, January 13

Nur eine kurze Zusammenfassung meines Wochenendes: Hab viel Uni Zeug erledigt, war spazieren mit meiner besten Freundin, hab meins neues Buch angefangen, Frühlingsblumen gekauft und Waffeln gebacken.

Just a short summary of my weekend: Did a lot of uni stuff, went for a walk with my best friend, started my new book, bought some spring flowers and baked some waffles.

Meine Wochenendlektüren, der neue H&M Katalog und das neue Buch von Lauren Weisberger, ich habe jedes Buch von ihr :)

My weekend readings, new H&M magazine and Lauren Weisbergers new book, I already own every single one of her :)


  1. So jealous about the H&M Magazine, we don't have that here :(
    Your bag is lovely and those waffles look so yummy.
    Is it too weird that I've never eaten waffles? Ah ah.

    1. Oh really? I loove waffles!
      And maybe we just have this because we here are THE H&M Country, they earn the most in Germany haha

    2. I love H&M, specially for home wear and Home stuff.
      We don't have H&M online here, only at stores, which is bad but good for my wallet aha
